Thursday, August 29, 2013

Spring of 2011

As winter was about over, we could see things begin to take shape.  The grass was becoming green and the trees were getting their leaves.  Our new property was beginning to look beautiful.  We began to work on our fence.  We did not want to use t-posts EVER again so we decided to set wood posts in the ground in concrete approximately 20' apart.  We mixed quikrete and water and poured in each hole we dug using our tractor and auger.  I would operate the tractor/auger and Rawson would line the auger up with the mark we made and we would drill our fencepost holes.  We first set all our corner braces on the 6-7 acres that we were fencing in.  We used telephone poles for the corners but the cordless drill would not stay charged since it was so hard drilling into those poles.  So, we had to drag our generator around the property to plug our electric drill into.  After the corner braces were made and our fenceposts were set, we made a template from plywood and drilled 4 holes down the length of the plywood 10" apart.  Rawson would then lay the template against each post and I would spray paint four dots down the length of the posts.  Then we would come back and drill the holes in all of the posts.  We set approximately 200 fenceposts in concrete to build our horse fence.  After the holes were drilled, I cut insulation tubing and placed a piece inside each hole.  We then ran 12 gauge high tensile wire thru the tubing, four strands in all.   Each corner had a special racheting system so if the wires ever became loose, all you have to do is take a special tool and rachet the wires to tighten them.  The wires are electrified and the horses never get near the wire and they will not lean on or lean across the fence to get to the "greener grass on the other side."

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