Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Getting closer!

Saturday the insulation guy will come and Monday the painter is coming to paint the outside of the house. Tuesday the concrete peeps will be here to pour our front porch, back porch and back patio. Sheetrock people will also be here next week. Electrical and HVAC rough will be done this week. Inside trim and painting will be done after the Sheetrock is done. We will seal the concrete floor ourselves prior to the floor trim being put down. Getting close!

Some nighttime pics

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Some of my light fixtures

What's happening now at MBF

Insulation contractors are coming tomorrow; waiting on special order trim for Noah's circular window; hvac and electric to be done this week; then porches poured and drywall. Merry Christmas in our new house!!!!! Let's hope so!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

More pics

The siding is almost done and all of the plumbing is done. The hvac is almost finished. The painter may paint the outside week after next. Once the outside utilities are done they will pour the porches. The electrician is still working on wiring and fixture placement. 

My floor - it needs cleaning and another coat of sealer but it looks like marble!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Windows and doors!!!

Living room

Living room looking into dining room

Chancey enjoying her rooftop view

Learning to "sneak out"

The upstairs foyer and stairwell windows

Noah's windows in his room

Dining room with view of barn and horses

Dining room off porch (doors are wrong-waiting on replacement French doors)

Side view-left door is into master from what will be a screened in porch

Front view

Back view and side

What we see coming up the drive